Sunday, December 20, 2009

Forget resolutions. Set goals.

I love these last few weeks of the year. Like a lot of distance runners, I'm somewhat Type A so I savor this time to look back at the year and set goals for the coming year. Forget resolutions that never see the light of day. I like to set measurable goals that I can mentally check off the list throughout the year.

Running and goal-setting are as much about psychology as they are about physiology. Our minds can be our greatest asset (mind over matter) or biggest liability (self-doubt). Goal-setting helps us channel our mental and physical energy for a common purpose. Clear, measurable goals empower us to track our performance and adjust our training, so it's important that they be motivating and achievable.

Here are few things to think about as you prepare for 2010:
  • Set goals that are specific and measurable.
  • Be reasonable (and realistic). Make your goals challenging, but achievable.
  • Focus on performance v. outcomes. Performance is something you can control. Outcomes tend to be affected by other people or conditions.
  • Share your list with another runner. "Saying it out loud" makes it real and we all need someone to keep us accountable from time to time.
  • Create or revise a training plan based on your goals.

I'm still working on my goals for next year, but I'll post them here in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Kristi - runner-when-dog&baby-allowDecember 21, 2009 at 10:34 AM

    Allison, you go, girl!. I'm so proud of you and what you're doing with this. And, now I no longer need to ask you about it on our chats, but I can keep up with it through this.

    By the way, I think you were 'right on' to stop for that man and help at the race last month. But, honestly, it really reflects the quality of person you are, Allison. I'm not sure if that's something that can be taught.
